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Self-Leadership: Women in Health

Regarding COVID-19:  Michelle has moved all her training online till mid 2021. 
For upcoming dates for 2021 - please head over to my new website for health and community sector professionals

Feedback from our online programs has been excellent;

I am thoroughly enjoying the training thus far and am very impressed at how easily it is flowing on the online platform.

Well done to you and your team for organising this so well!

Katie Beruldsen, Alfred Health

I was concerned about two days of online content and that it may be a challenge and not as interactive, however I found it to be incredibly engaging, the breakout rooms gave a great chance for meeting everyone (with not distracting chatter) and keeping everyone's camera on was a great way to connect.


“The use of breakout rooms on zoom was done to perfection. They were timely and instructions were very specific. Online option was great for me. Could still take kids to school and do course. Perfect. ”

How well do you lead yourself?

We all look for exceptional leadership externally, but forget to be the best leaders to ourselves.


Most of us have never been given a clear approach to lead ourselves well, or had role models that demonstrate inspiring self-leadership.


That’s why it’s important to take the time to build the necessary frameworks and skills for strong self-leadership and become a more empowered professional.

In today’s complex workplace experiencing continual change and challenge, leaders and employees benefit from developing superior self-leadership and self-management skills to maximise their potential and to contribute productively to their team. Although familiar with the concept of leading others, leading oneself can be a game-changer.


‘When people become empowered self-leaders, they’re proactive self-starters who look for ways to make your organisation flourish.’ Susan Fowler


The program includes:

  • Deepening skills and understanding of self- awareness, self-leadership and self-management

  • Exploring the personal, professional and workplace ramifications of not leading or managing yourself well

  • Building skills and strategies for increasing personal agency

  • Building autonomy and empowerment to manage workload and productivity

  • Apply understanding of the brain to manage conflict and emotional triggers

Michelle Bihary leads this powerful, practical and engaging program to help you drive your career more confidently by bringing together her wisdom of more than 30 years experience in mental health, neuroscience, emotional intelligence, positive psychology, resilience, coaching, mentoring and leadership.


Surrounded by like-minded women experiencing similar challenges in the disrupted healthcare context, this immersive workshop also provides workbooks, access to resources as well as a gourmet lunch, morning and afternoon tea.

Michelle's Self-Leadership Feedback

Michelle is an enabler and an influencer. The course I attended on leadership was so valuable, I would highly recommend this to others. Michelle has a way of delivering information that has strong theoretical framework in a very practical way, with immediate take home strategies. I took so much away with me that will forever influence how I lead myself and lead other OTs. Thank you Michelle

Heidi Bortfield

Senior Occupational Therapist


As a presenter, Michelle is so gifted in leading discussions, empowering individuals and challenging participants to implement practical solutions (both personally and within the work force).

We are already implementing some core values/ self care / team work and resilience/burn out prevention strategies in our workplace. I would highly recommend this course to any health professional, particularly those who are managing large teams and are needing to ‘rethink’ perhaps workplace dynamics and self management skills.

Kate Moore

Clinical Director / Business Owner 

"It was an amazing day. Michelle, you have generously synthesised the wisdom of your many years in practice and presented it for the benefit of everyone. What a gift for each of us

Workshop Details for 2021 available at

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