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Professional Resilience

Regarding COVID-19:  Michelle has moved all her training online till mid 2021. 
For upcoming dates for 2021 - please head over to my new website for health and community sector professionals

Feedback from our online programs has been excellent;

I am thoroughly enjoying the training thus far and am very impressed at how easily it is flowing on the online platform.

Well done to you and your team for organising this so well!

Katie Beruldsen, Alfred Health

I was concerned about two days of online content and that it may be a challenge and not as interactive, however I found it to be incredibly engaging, the breakout rooms gave a great chance for meeting everyone (with not distracting chatter) and keeping everyone's camera on was a great way to connect.


“The use of breakout rooms on zoom was done to perfection. They were timely and instructions were very specific.
Online option was great for me. Could still take kids to school and do course. Perfect. ”

Do you and your colleagues feel burnt out, at times?


Do you find that your commitment to your professional role, takes its toll on your personal wellbeing?


If so, you may benefit from the popular Professional Resilience® program.

Developed by Michelle Bihary, this program specifically is designed for professionals and leaders who want to ensure that personal and professional wellbeing is protected from the professional and organisational demands.


The program also explores the responsibility workplaces have to create a psychologically healthy workplace environment that supports the wellbeing of the workforce.
The program draws on evidence-based research and contemporary wisdom from neuroscience, emotional intelligence, strengths and positive psychology, leadership development, as well as stress, energy management and mindfulness.
Key areas covered in the Professional Resilience® program include:

• Exploring the challenges to professional and workplace resilience
• Addressing the responsibilities leaders have for creating a thriving workplace
• Applying practical strategies for self-assessment and self-monitoring
• Building resilience through self-leadership 
• Strengthening your self-care tool kit with a range of strategies including
positive self-directed neuroplasticity, energy management and Mindfulness
• Creating a thriving team

This authentic and engaging workshop brings practical strategies and a fresh perspective to this vital issue. It has been delivered to many thousands of professionals all over Australia and New Zealand. Michelle has presented on these issues at many conferences, as well as many full-day or two day programs. This program has been provided for a range of sectors including health, corporate,
professional services, community, education, justice, administration, IT and complaints handling teams.
This workshop provides professionals with a well-deserved chance to consider their  own needs and their professional sustainability and reflect on practical strategies. It will consider the ways in which the above frameworks can guide us to deepen self -
are, strengthen professional wellbeing and prevent burnout. Opportunities for self-reflection and discussion will complement the presentation, as will the chance for some laughter and humour.

Participants will be encouraged to assess their level of self-care and develop a clearer framework for sustainability. Although the workshop explores the overlap of professional and personal issues, the participants will not be expected to be personally revealing.

Michelle's Professional Resilience Training Feedback

Great to have the opportunity to reflect on all these issues which are so important to us personally and professionally. More attention needs to be paid to our professional resilience, in the best interests of ourselves and the work we do. 


Great depth of knowledge and understanding of the topic. Very compassionate, positive and constructive. Learning how to build and sustain your energy can be the most wonderful knowledge. 

The workshop gave a valuable opportunity to reflect on how our workplace can be a positive, fulfilling place, utilising our strengths. I now understand how I can take responsibility for being self aware and for being positive. Fantastic – Thank you! 

Great workshop.

Really enjoyed it!

Michelle is inspiring!

Workshop Details for 2021 available at

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